Thursday, June 26, 2008


I will have to admit that I get kind of pissed when my favorite bloggers don't update their blogs. I suffer from unreasonable disappointment when I visit (insert name)'s Web site, and his/her last post was something like six weeks ago. I always vow to take him/ her (Rebecca Walker--lol) off of my "Favorites" list, but I never do. I love knowing where people are and what they are doing and thinking, even if they only manage to make their thoughts public every few months. I wonder if at some point during the day we are thinking some of the same things; I don't seem to be able to let go of the imagined connection that is facilitated by this thing called a "blog."

The funny thing is that I can't imagine anyone feeling the same way about me. My last blog post was in May, and I have not felt any pressure to blog since. Although I have had lots of thoughts (some rather good ones, I might add) since my last post, I have not yet cultivated the kind of hubris that has to exist in order to believe that people actually care about what I think. Perhaps I need to start writing only for me... I could forget, for a moment, the readers that may (or may not) exist, and just write.

Anyway, I guess when I think about how I feel when "my people" have been M.I.A. for a minute, I think, maybe--just maybe--somebody might be waiting for a post from me.



1 comment:


Hi there!

It's always a nice gesture to send an email to that blogger and let them know "I miss your posts!" and that encourages them to keep blogging...sometimes people get writers block and can't think of anything to write and they don't want to put up something on their blog just to have a post up there.

Blogging is very time-consuming and sometimes people have other obligations in their lives...a major project that started at work or some situation with their children that takes up their time...and they can't put as much free time into blogging...

If you send a "I miss your posts!" note and it is not responded to then the blogger probably has a serious time constraint going on....which we can all understand...

Blogs do not pay the bills... so we have to keep our priorities in order!

Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!